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Email tracking in your email marketing campaigns: are you doing it right?

Email tracking in email marketing is a very important and necessary action for all brands. Sending email campaigns has proven to be a great promotion and sales strategy, but it is true that it requires a well thought-out approach to be effective.

Offering valuable and relevant information to subscribers is the only way to achieve your goals. That’s why it’s a good idea to monitor your community’s emails to find out what works and what doesn’t. This way, your future emails will have a greater chance of success.


Email marketing and email tracking

Email marketing falls into the category of direct marketing and consists of sending emails with the purpose of disseminating important information for the company, such as a promotion, a new product or a service. The objective of this strategy is to attract new customers , develop a stable relationship with them and ultimately convert them into buyers.

Email tracking in email marketing is a fundamental part of any strategy that wants to obtain the best results. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to armenia phone number data imagine a company without a digital email presence.


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The value of tracking an email marketing campaign

Having and making advertising requires a lot of time effective b2b email marketing strategies invested, as well as a lot of money, resources, creativity and effort.  For this reason, to minimize costs in terms of money it is desirable to know very well where to put the focus.  Having this prior knowledge is relevant, hence why doing frequent analysis is key.

It is important to know that all the effort a company is philippines numbers putting in is bearing fruit. Email marketing tracking is one of the most important tasks at the marketing level.  Monitoring is a fundamental part of any strategy that wants to obtain the best results.

Email marketing is a strategy that is directed at thousands of people who are part of a company’s database. This is why it is necessary to know if the messages sent have arrived in good form.  It is also necessary to know if this message has penetrated the consumer’s mind.

The most important metrics for email marketing tracking

There are several aspects to consider when tracking emails in effective email marketing. Likewise, it is necessary to know more technical aspects such as the best times to send these emails, what the bounce rate has been, how many have entered the inboxes or which are in spam. These include the following:

A.- Opening rate

This indicates the number of people who have opened the message sent. It helps to know if the subject of the message was the most attractive or not.

B.- Click rate

This statistic will indicate or reflect the number of people who have clicked on a particular link in the total body of the message. This is a good way to know if the content created and disseminated is the best.

C.- Bounce rate

They indicate the number of emails that have been returned because they could not be delivered to the recipient. They help to know whether the database is up to date or not.

D.- Abuse claims

This has to do with the number of people who have classified the email or message sent as spam. It is crucial to have this point well studied, since there will always be cases of this type, but we must try to make them as few as possible.

Best practices for email marketing follow-up

The following are some recommendations to keep in mind to obtain the best results when creating and sending email marketing by a company.

1.- Analyze the structure of the email marketing email

This is a very important step in email marketing email tracking. It is very common that the emails sent are not given importance, especially the format part.  The truth is that it is a fundamental aspect to take into account. There are many factors that can affect the format and among them are the time and if the message is optimized for different devices such as computers or mobile devices.

If the goal is to generate leads, you have to dedicate time to this strategy.

  • Subject line: Using attractive, practical and clear language is very important. Doing so in a personalized way will also yield very good results.
  • Text: The text has to be consistent with the brand voice and address a single topic.
  • Images: You should have relevant and eye-catching images that are optimized for all devices.
  • CTA: This should lead to an interesting link and offer. It should be visibly differentiated from the rest of the email.
  • Best time: According to some studies , the best time to send emails is between 10 and 11.
  • Responsiveness: Over 50% of emails are opened on a mobile device , so these messages must be optimized.
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