Negatives for Performance Max campaigns

Who doesn’t know about Google’s Peak Performance campaigns ?

Performance Max campaigns are designed to help advertiser s Peru Mobile Number List achieve the . Best possible results by combining all the types of channels that Google offers into one campaign. These campaigns are designed to complement elping us find more customers who complete conversions across all Google channels, including YouTube, the Display Network, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Google Maps.

With these campaigns we will be able to improve the results based on the type of conversion . Bwe have created, since the campaign is optimized across all channels through Smart Bidding to achieve more conversions and value from them.

Although it is a strategy that can . Help to get more searches without leaving any channel to a. Apear on, we found a problem when appearing in . Searches not related to our service/product offered, due to the difficult negativeization in this type of campaigns.

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Performance Max Campaign Types

Phone Number List

Before we present a method of negativization that has helped us agents a.  Lot to carry out quick and . Effective exclusions, we will briefly explain each type of campaign that we can cover if we set up a Performance Max campaign, and its most important characteristics:

  • Search Ads: Campaigns that allow you to . Publish ads on the Google search network to users who search for keywords that we . Have bid on. The greater the relationship between the ad, the keyword and the landing page where we direct the user, the better positions we will achieve in the search engine compared to our competitors.
  • Display Ads: This type of ad can help us promote our product/service when uheck their Gmail email , or use their mobile apps and devices.
  • Discovery Ads: Thanks to this type of ads, we will . Ahieve greater . Coverage with a single advertising account , because we will have access to the YouTube home feeds and the “promotions and social” tabs of Gmail.
  • Youtube . Ads: This type of ad will help us promote or publicize our service/product through videos on Youtube , paying only if the user interacts with it.

How to carry out massive negatives in these campaigns?

While we all know a quick way to perform mass negatives for EX Mobile Phone Numbers search campaigns, perhaps not all of us know that this same negative can be performed on Performance Max campaigns.

We will always have the possibility of sending a list to . Google , asking it which Keywords to negate, indicating which campaign to do so on. Although here we may encounter the handicap of forgetting a Keyword, or not having that email . Updated with the latest modifications to be made.

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