He generously gave us a lot of advice.

Every entrepreneur should have a mentor or a network of mentors. The feedback from a jury can be punctua, and out of context, because the judge does not know the origin of the venture or the entrepreneurial team (in addition to the little time you have to make a pitch). On the contrary, a mentor by definition is someone who takes the time to get to know what you are developing, your market, your clients and your team. Since their advice or approximations are based on knowledge of your journey, and at the same time on their own experience, their role is fundamental

Expand your network of contacts and learn from

Ther entrepreneurs perhaps the most obvious reason. To get out of your office and away from your cup of coffee is the. Possibility of networking and meeting people who in some way are going through the same thing as you. Meet potential clients depending on who your potential customer is, in the aisles of startup weekend or wayra you may encounter someone who has a need  Denmark WhatsApp Data  that your product answers and who is willing to pay. If not today, tomorrow. And if it is not that person directly, it will be one of your acquaintances. The world is very small. One of the organizers of a contest where we were semi-finalists called us because in their company they had a need related to the usability of digital interfaces.

We’ve also evaluated several mobile app interfaces from

Entrepreneurs we met at some startup contests, making usability. And user experience recommendations.. Be connected to the market and trends it goes without saying that going to professional events is a way to be aware of trends, know what new services  Australia Whatsapp Number  there are and that can be useful in the development of your business. Since several competitions organized by accelerators and incubators. Include preparation events, such as workshop.S or talks, you will also learn about legal issues, partnership contracts, how to seek financing, etc.. Get diffusion for your business dissemination can range from mentions in the press to links to your website on the organizers’ websites and social networks. It is much better than paying for advertising without knowing how profitable it will be.

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